The past year I’ve started putting my words into action and I feel like I’m now reaping the benefits of that work

I love being a part of the progression and development of snowboarding and I hope we get to celebrate action sports on a world stage in Norway again next year!!! Congrats to all the athletes for giving everyone a show they will never forget. Each and everyone put their own unique stamp on it. Big ups to the people behind the scenes working 24/7 to get this X GAMES one to remember and look back at for good memories. Thank you to the crowds for being so passionate and uplifting. It genuinely makes a big difference to ride when you feel the energy of so many people cheering you on. Special thanks to EUREKA and my family coming out to watch me play. I am leaving here inspired to become a better human and take my snowboarding to the next level 

First glance from the top of the drop in ramp for the Big Air

First glance from the top of the drop in ramp for the Big Air

Never forget to play like a child - Candid Moment Captured By Cato Ingebrigtsen

Never forget to play like a child - Candid Moment Captured By Cato Ingebrigtsen

Captured by Cato Ingebrigtsen

Captured by Cato Ingebrigtsen

This moment was captured right after the ladies Big Air finals on Saturday; My team mate @siljenorendal has just won the gold medal and the crowds are going crazy. I am genuinely happy for her, as I know how determined she works towards her goals. I have just fallen on my last run, meaning I have not landed any of my tricks. Yet, I don't feel a strong sense of disappointment, regret or frustration. I wonder why, as I I'm deeply immersed in the hug. I can feel my team mate shaking, in tears of happiness over winning the gold. As I take a deep breath, it quickly becomes clear to me that I am feeling spiritual happiness. The kind of happiness that is available to you at any moment, once you become aware of it. While emotional happiness is depending on external factors, outside of your own control, spiritual happiness depends solely on yourself.  Off course my thoughts are drifting towards how much I wanted to land my tricks and how much I wanted to finish on the podium in front of my family... Yet, I felt very happy. I know it's because I have done a lot of "inside work" and learned that I can still access happiness in situations where I didn't think I could in the past. Despite the outcome and result. The past year I've started putting my words into action and I feel like I'm now reaping the benefits of that work. I fell but I still feel successful 


